Life at the Mauldin House

Monday, November 06, 2006

T-Ball....the adventure

Here is Sam in his second season of t-ball this fall. He played "peanut" last spring, which was too funny...but moved up to big boy t-ball this fall. He was the ONLY 4 year old on the team, with 11 other 6 year was very stressful for Jim and I....but Sam had a ball. He LOVES to bat, could care less about playing defense. So, we took quickly to bribing him to "not play in the dirt". Yeah....right. So then he started diving for the dirt any time the ball was hit....not to get the ball mind you....but as an excuse to just dive in the dirt. All of the other parents constantly made comments to me like, "Boy, that Sam is a mess, and Gee, he is very funny!" Which are really nice ways of saying, "What exactly is wrong with your kid?" The first picture is him getting his trophy last night, he was SO EXCITED! The second is of Sam and my nephew, Dylan plays big boy baseball now, but was also on the A's this we couldn't resist the photo opportunity. (Dylan got to play "catcher" some, and had to buy his first cup. Not an experience I am looking forward to with Sam, but it should make for some comedy relief.) The last picture is of my little man after his first RBI. He actually hit off the pitcher most of the time this season.....even at four! Now, if we can ever get him to try to catch a ball, we will be in business!


  • At 7:12 AM, Blogger Mother of the Year said…

    Was he as big or bigger than the six year olds he played with?

    I've been crying for the past two days because I have a FOUR year old child - also because I happen to the THIRTY now but we don't really need to go there. anyway, this growing up is killing me.

  • At 6:59 PM, Blogger Bridget said…

    Actually, some of them were smaller than him. I know...doesn't it sound weird to say he is four? I had a hard time with going from 3 to 4....three still sounds little.

    Welcome to "old lady hood"! Oprah says thirty is the new twenty! :)

  • At 4:55 AM, Blogger mk said…

    Wow! Looks like he had a great time!

  • At 1:00 PM, Blogger Amber said…

    im officially saying "i knew Sam back when" the day he signs on with the braves

    man, sure feels good to be 29 for 55 more days. im so young and free.

  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger jmn said…

    it's neat to see Sam growing up. hope all is well.


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