Are you kidding me? Preschool is OVER?????????????
I cannot believe my baby graduated from preschool this week. I can't believe it for several reasons:
-Time has flown by such that I truly feel as though it was yesterday he was born.
-I didn't think this whole-2 kids all day every day ever summer thing- through. :)
-There were a few moments we weren't sure they would let him stay to finish. :)
But really, the graduation program was cute, I cried. We were so worried about the program, mainly because Sam's teacher told me EVERY day for about 2 weeks how worried she was about how he would act on stage. I chose not to ask for details about practice. I would rather not know! But, whatever he did at practice, he didn't do during the program...yipppee! I just can't believe he is going to "Big Boy" school next year. I don't even want to think about my next graduation posting for him! It will come all too soon I am afraid.
Now....what will I do to survive this summer????????????????????
At 7:26 PM, Unknown said…
I'm a stalker on your page as well! I keep thinking I will recognize you in a picture b/c maybe you went to MPFBC like I did!
Anyway, I am very sad that Mother's Morning Out is over!!! 5 days a week with 2 babies...I'm completely feeling your pain! I guess we'll be spending some quality time at our local parks! Oh, and Target of course!(we go there at least once a week!)
Just wanted to say hello and "introduce" myself!
At 5:10 AM, mk said…
Bridget -
We'll be sure to include you on the email list. We'll have to come up with some cheap, multi-child friendly places to visit. I'm sure the summer will fly by too and we'll be adding posts about "back to school" before we know it.
At 5:04 PM, Cindy said…
I cried when 3 year old preschool was over - I know I couldn't handle seeing my child in a cap and gown like that. It is too precious!
I'm wondering what I'll do to survive the summer as well. Maybe we can all get together sometime.
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