Life at the Mauldin House

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Are you kidding me? Preschool is OVER?????????????

I cannot believe my baby graduated from preschool this week. I can't believe it for several reasons:

-Time has flown by such that I truly feel as though it was yesterday he was born.

-I didn't think this whole-2 kids all day every day ever summer thing- through. :)

-There were a few moments we weren't sure they would let him stay to finish. :)

But really, the graduation program was cute, I cried. We were so worried about the program, mainly because Sam's teacher told me EVERY day for about 2 weeks how worried she was about how he would act on stage. I chose not to ask for details about practice. I would rather not know! But, whatever he did at practice, he didn't do during the program...yipppee! I just can't believe he is going to "Big Boy" school next year. I don't even want to think about my next graduation posting for him! It will come all too soon I am afraid.

Now....what will I do to survive this summer????????????????????

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Maddie's One Month Pictures

I cannot believe how FAST this month has gone! I guess lack of sleep tends to make things a blurr! I had forgotten how blurry life can be when you have a newborn! Maddie is so good....she is nothing like her brother...though she loves him dearly. He is doing great with her. It is nice to have a helper in the car to reinsert the passy. Carrie, we do need to work on inventing that "passy paste" you always talked about needing! We are trying to adjust to a "low maintenance" child. We are also desperately hoping that lasts! It's funny how different boys and girls really are from birth....and how different their Daddy is with them! Jim is totally wrapped around her little finger already. He is still wanting me to get pregnant again right away...even with the lack of sleep. (Yes, he is insane.) I told him when he can figure out a way to be pregnant and sick for 9 months instead of me....we have a deal!