Life at the Mauldin House

Friday, May 30, 2008

pics as promised

Sam's first tooth lost and pics from Maddie's first promised. Madison loved the cake. She took one bite, and she kept looking at us waiting for someone to tell her NO. Then she just started shoving the cake in as fast as she could.
Sam has lost the other bottom front tooth now...and has a huge gap. I thought I had a pic of it...but I guess the first one is the only one I took.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The update to span half a year..... it has been a while. Among my excuses are computer issues, camera issues, and just your normal life issues! I won't bore you with those....but I am sorry it has taken me so long to update. I will try to summarize briefly our lives since Jan. or goes.....

I finished my first year teaching at R.D. Head in Lilburn. I was the part-time writing teacher this year...and it is truly the most wonderful school I could imagine. It is literally like walking into heaven every single day. Needless to say, Sam will be there next year with me. I will be teaching focus math part is the job from heaven as well. That is...if Jim gets a job soon. He lost his job totally out of the blue 2 weeks ago, so I had to put a bug in the principal's ear about maybe needing a full time position next year....but I am praying Jim finds work quickly and all can stay as planned. Pray for us!!

Sam played soccer and basketball this year. He is almost 6, has lost 2 teeth, is reading and writing like a pro, and is now officially calling himself a first grader! He is so grown up it is unbelieveable to me. He is excited about being a "Mustang" next year. Jim is not happy about the newfound 'Brookwood'ness of Sam and myself...being a Parkview grad...but he will get over it I am sure.

Madison turned one in April! I have pics.....but am continuing to have camera issues, and will have to post them later. She is amazing and SO different from Sam. She is a prissy little thing, but has no clue she is a baby. She is truly the boss of the entire household, and has my dad wrapped around her little finger. He greets her every morning at the van when I drop her at mom's, and hugs his neck. It is so sweet. She is also very much a Daddy's girl. She says a lot of words, but mostly, "DADA and BUBBA", we call Sam bubba since she couldn't say "brother". I think it is so cute. I just can't believe how fast she is growing up!

I am enjoying the fact that my kids ADORE each other. I know the time is coming soon when they won't be happy to see each other all the time, but for now, the 5 year age span is working out wonderfully for us!

This picture was taken on Mother's Day. We were having a family pic for the church directory, and they did the kids too. It turned out cute despite the fact that the man had us sit for what felt like an eternity in the hottest room on earth to do the family pic. Then did the kids, then he was like, "Now let's get just you two parents." I was like, you have GOT to be kidding me....and we walked to the computer and paid. I had forgotten until that moment how much I HATE having pictures made. It is just way too much stress.
Well, I feel as though I have left out so much, but right now with our lives in chaos with Jim's job situation....I can't really think. I promise to be a better is that for a summer project???